Young Voices; Social Impact via Blockchain, Web 3 & DeFi | Por @OpenEXO
It’s happening. Whether you like it or not, the cryptocurrency and blockchain revolution is upon us. Countless people are investing in digital assets and decentralized applications, hoping to get in on the ground floor of the next-generation economy. But what does that future look like? And more importantly, who gets to shape it?
Thankfully, we don’t have to wait for someone else to tell us. The voices of the NextGen are already being heard and implemented via blockchain and web 3 technologies. From building new financial systems to creating Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), young entrepreneurs are leading the charge into a more open, equitable future. So if you want to be part of shaping the next economy, seek out the voices of those who were born to do this.
With new technology, comes new opportunities to make an impact. For the young generation, this means using their talents and skills to create a better future for everyone. In this interview, we'll explore how blockchain technology is being used to make a social impact, and how the next generation are at the forefront of this movement. Read On!
Welcome to this incredible podcast that has global partners, like the ExO Economy, ExO Angels, and a lot of different organizations in the wings like XPRIZE. I know it's something that you got really excited about when I met you at ETH Denver and here we are doing a podcast. You're also going to do a panel with Singularity Group. So tell us a little bit about your passion for technology and what brought you to ETH Denver and your interest in the space.
Intro (03:18) Blockchain plus Web 3 Provide Exponential Opportunities
There are so many different niches and industries that have been able to use technology to improve the way that they already do things. Everybody has their own thing to bring to it and there's no area or industry that can't combine with this area in blockchain and web three to create something new. So that's what really excites me about it.
While a lot of people were focused on the technology itself, I immediately was thinking about all the use cases in all different aspects of society that could really help us achieve exponential growth towards humanity's greatest challenges.
(06:47) Self Study Plus Hackathons, A Winning Combination
Once blockchain and web three caught my attention I decided to teach myself solidity, which is a programming language that Ethereum uses to create smart contracts. So after doing that and after attending a few hackathons in the space, I was really able to get a sense of how to make these simple, smart contracts. And what I really loved about it was just the versatility of it because you could do so many different projects just with this one skill.

(07:52): I've been looking into the supply chain for smart contracts.
Because this one kind of framework of making supply chains a lot more accountable and a lot more transparent can help a lot of different industries, whether it's the agricultural industry, where there's a whole supply chain of how food can get to your table. And there are a bunch of different checkpoints that it goes through to make that process more transparent. This can help a lot of people and help a lot of lives, especially when food is such a big part of our world and our health. That's just one use case. And that can be transferred into a bunch of different supply chains. I've also been looking into the blood donation supply chain. And that was something that I looked into for the last hackathon I did.
(11:35) Play-to-earn is only one of many possibilities
We believe, in terms of how we're building out Island17, that when you play this game, it doesn't matter what your interest is. You could turn that into revenue-producing action. You can use it as an asset.
People end up realizing that if you follow your passion, then doors open where they might not have been before.
(14:32) Young Voices Heard, Valued and Implemented
I know a lot of young people have an opinion, but it's hard to get that opinion heard and when I meet people like you or those at ETH Denver, it's amazing to have my opinion actually be heard and valued, especially being in Island17. A lot of my ideas have been heard and valued and even implemented. It's really cool to see that.
I think that if younger people have that opportunity to have their opinion heard, they'd be more inclined to solve some of these bigger problems, something that you don't think about when you are in your teenage years. But if we had that opportunity to have our voice heard, I think a lot more people would be inclined to look towards this direction at a younger age.
Tell me more about what your view is of income-producing actions in crypto in NFTs or smart contracts.

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