Word of the Day: customer journey map

Word of the Day

Daily updates on the latest technology terms |September 21, 2017

customer journey map

A customer journey map, sometimes referred to as a customer experience map, is a visual representation of the path a customer takes when interacting with a company. An important goal of creating a customer journey map is to provide all interested stake holders with clear information about how customers are moving through the sales funnel and identify where there are communication gaps and missed opportunities.

Business-to-business (B2B) journey maps typically begin with a prospective customer first hearing about a product. The prospect is tracked through the inquiry and comparison stages and followed through the purchase and installation stages. A detailed map may also show the customer accessing post-purchase support services, airing grievances or recommending the product on social media websites and hopefully, becoming a repeat customer.


To accurately reflect the path a customer takes, the map must be data-driven, yet visually represent a variety of subjective dimensions, including customer sentiment.  There's no set protocol for designing a customer journey map, but the most effective maps are visually appealing, comprehensive and easily understood. There are a number of ready-to-use software tools that can help with mapping, including Salesforce Journey Builder, Smaply, Touchpoint and Canvanizer.

Quote of the Day

"Combining a customer journey map with the business capability maps created by many EA teams allows corporate IT to easily root-cause pain points in the customer experience." - Mark Tonsetic


Trending Terms

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Learning Center

How enterprises can take advantage of social media mapping
Businesses are increasingly using social media mapping to learn more about customers. Here's how one company addresses the growth in social media channels.

Predictive analytics improve customer experience journey
Worldwide smartphone manufacturer turns to an AI software company with the goal of delivering a stellar customer experience journey.

Why EA should take the lead on improving customer experience
CIOs are asking their EA teams to take the lead on improving customer experience. Here's why.

Customer journey maps can stave off dismal customer experience
Customer journey maps enable companies to anticipate a customer's needs and wants, and how they will interact through channels. They can prevent a customer experience train wreck.

Customer relationship management tools have revolutionized engagement
Customer relationship management tools are keeping pace with the rapidly evolving world of CRM by providing technology that opens new paths to customer engagement.

Quiz Yourself

Data _______ is a graphical representation of numerical data.
a. analytics
b. visualization


Stay In Touch

For feedback about any of our definitions or to suggest a new definition, please contact me at: mrouse@techtarget.com


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