Charlas @ekoparty security conference 2015 #eko11
Tenemos el agrado de presentarles la lista de charlas que ofreceremos durante la #eko11
- Winter is Coming - Iván Arce - Argentina
Dentro de poco terminamos de armar la lista de Workshops!
- Vot.Ar: una mala eleccion - Iván Ariel Barrera Oro - Argentina
- Breaking Vault - Fernando Russ - Argentina
- Crozono: Cracking the security perimeter with drones - Pablo Romanos & Sheila Berta - Argentina
- Fuzzing browsers for finding exploitable bugs - Nicolas Trippar - Argentina
- Windows SMEP bypass: U=S - Nicolas Economou & Enrique Nissim - Argentina
- IR transformation synthesis for assembly instructions - Sebastian Fernandez - Argentina
- SSL certs massive analysis and medical device/app fingerprinting with netdb - Bertin Bervis - Costa Rica
- Recovering SAP RFC Credentials from Network Traffic - Emiliano Fausto - Argentina
- Exploiting GSM and RF to Pwn your Phone - Manuel Moreno & Francisco Cortes - Chile
- Faux Disk Encryption: Realities of Secure Storage on Mobile Devices - Drew Suarez & Daniel Mayer - USA
- Hackeando Carros en Latinoamerica - DragonJAR - Colombia
- Learn about the enemy - Moonbeom Park - Korea del Sur
- Satellite TV Receivers: from remote control to root shell- Sofiane Talmat - Algeria
- System updates, Attack and Defense - Sofiane Talmat - Algeria
- The Console Gaming AppSec Model - Conor Walsh - USA
- Warranty Void If Label Removed: Attacking MPLS Networks - Georgi Geshev - United Kingdom
- Why app stores cannot be trusted: ROP as a Service - Marc Blanchou - USA
- Secure DevOps is possible: How osquery is built - Javier Marcos & Teddy Reed - España & USA
Dentro de poco terminamos de armar la lista de Workshops!
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